Tuesday, September 20, 2011

God is Good All the Time

I didn't know where the Lord was going to take me on my career path but I left it in His hands. I'm so glad I did. Even my own husband may not understand why He sent me here, but I know that God did it all. I just started my 4th week here and I'm loving it. My stress is down. I don't feel so overwhelmed. I'm still busy but I can handle it a lot better. Without Him, I would not be here.

After leaving the Boys & Girls Clubs, I was a little lost. I was unsure of what I needed to do. Then, I decided to just take it like it was. I enjoyed my time with Valerie. [She's growing up so fast.] I looked for work and went on several interviews. I interviewed for this job and loved it. It was the only one I was sure of. At that moment, I told the Lord, "If it be your will, I really want this job. If not, then I will stay home with Valerie." It wasn't that I was going to give up if I didn't have this job. I felt that if it wasn't what he wanted for me after I had such a strong desire for it, then I needed to relax and enjoy life at home. I left it up to Him.

So...of course, I got the job. The Lord knew I needed it. He knows what my intentions are. In the long run, I do hope to work part-time in the future so I can spend more time with Valerie and any other children we may have. I'll have time to go to school functions and after school curricular activities. That's when I want to be able to devote my time to my children. Also, I can eliminited as much debt as possible so when I do go part-time, we aren't in financial strain.

The Lord worked it out for me and for my family. I couldn't ask for more. Through this little part of my journey, I learned to lean on him and trust him more. I learned about patience and listening. I've learned a lot and still have a long way to go. I look forward to what's next.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Right now, I'm annoyed. I'm annoyed because someone told me "I don't feel good." I know that it's a lie in the sense of "I'm sick." It's more like "I'm depressed and I don't want to do it." Just say it. Be truthful to yourself and to others. Don't try to deceive and lie to us.

If you need help, ask for it. I've learned this myself the past couple of months. I empathize with this person. My point is not to beat down on this person. My annoyance is my own problem. I'm just easily annoyed. lol. But this is an announcement to everyone else. If you need help, ask for it.

The best person to ask is God. If you have him in your life, talk to him. He's definitely be there for me. Then, seek help from others who He has given to support you. Philippians 3;13 says "Brethen, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before." For me, it says "Forget about what has happened. Move on. Reach for those things that ahead of you." So what do you do with the things of now? You embrace it. Take hold of it. Be grateful for it. Utilize it. Yes, those things in the past happened but what are you going to take from them to make your present and your future  more meaningful. Sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself isn't the answer. Fight for your life!

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Grieving Process

Life has been tough lately. I haven't blogged in a long while. Life gets busy and some things don't seem as important as others. But I have found that writing or blogging is a great way to express myself. I have also found it as a way to connect with others...

All of a sudden, my life, my family's life has taken a turn in a different direction. For the past couple of months, I've prayed for guidance for my own life. It didn't take long for the Lord to tell me it was time to make a job change. It's a scary thought to just quit my job with nothing else in line but that's what he wanted me to do. Bottom line: I didn't listen and in the end, he took it away from me. I've been so independent and He wants to me to be more dependent on Him.

What have I learned from all of this? It's okay for me to grieve the lost of my job and my ability to financially support my family. It's part of the process to get where I need to go. I'm reminded of a devotion that someone sent to me. It talked about how people don't just grieve the loss of loved ones. People should and need to grieve the loss of a job, an ability, connection, and whatever else we lose or have to let go throughout our lives.

I know that once I get past this, there is something better at the end of this street along my journey's path. It will take some time, some tears, and some pick me ups. The smile and laughs of my daughter definitely make the days easier. I know that the Lord will take care of us. He always has and always will. We've done without less and never suffered. We'll make it through this bump in the road. With His strength and His guidance, I'll find my way to a different job along my career path. A dear friend told me, "God never makes mistakes." I believe it and am so grateful for it.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Rest for the Weary

Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light"

 The Lord makes it so easy for us to lean on him. If it weren't for Him, I would not be able to handle everything that is going on right now. I've worked so hard to keep from crashing down. I wish I could sometimes slow down life. It's moving about 1,000 mph and I'm at 100. I have gotten quite tired and weary. I know that all I gotta do is keep pushing on. In 2 and a half weeks I will be in Phoenix, AZ for the first time and I will walk and accept my Master's degree from Grand Canyon University. Nate and I are staying a several days to enjoy Phoenix. Valerie will stay with her grandparents. It will be my time to chill.

Last week, Nate's Papa JD was admitted into the hospital because he had trouble breathing. He has congestive heart failure and COPD. As of today, he's in a great nursing home. He's not doing well enough. Nate's Nana, JD's wife, has Alzheimer's. She refused to eat and slept all day. Aunt Gail finally had call the ambulance because Nana would not get up or eat. At first, the doctor said her kidney was failing her. Now, they said because she didn't eat and use the bathroom enough, she only has a urinary tract infection and dehydration. I've had to help with this situation.

On top of the issue above, work has been busy. I've been working with our IT guy to get our computer system working properly. It's been frustrating, especially when other people don't understand and they ask questions like "Why can't I have wireless? Why can't I get on the internet on my desktop? Why can't I remote in from home when I can do it from my phone?" I've tried to stay calm and explain as best I could. If I didn't know, then they got a plain, "I don't know." Most of the time, I just wanted to scream, "Get over yourself! I can't answer your questions. Leave me alone. It will be fixed when it gets fixed." But I know that's not the best way to deal with the situation.

Our Spring Jubilee at church started Wednesday night. I got to go Wednesday and Friday. They were great services and the Lord showed up. However, on Friday, I couldn't concentrate to the preacher because I had to tend to Valerie who wanted to get down a play. I wasn't going in the nursery to babysit my child and not hear the message. There was no one scheduled for the nursery (we've had no nursery director for 2 weeks now) so she had to sit in the sanctuary with me until the preacher's daughter to her to the nursery and stayed with her. I was about to get up and just go home. Thank God for Morgan. She's a sweetheart. Then Valerie got sick yesterday and threw up all over the floor today. I don't know if it's allergies or a cold. Dealing with a sick child can be so tiring. Seeing her go through it, breaks a mother's heart.

It's been rough this past month or so. The Lord has helped me through this storm. The storm's not over but he'll continue to be with me. I can never give up on Him because he'll always be by my side. He's given me the best gift a person could get, the blood of his son, Jesus Christ, to wash away my sins. I'm looking forward to the rest I will get in a couple of weeks, even if it's only for a short time. It will be enough to tackle the next thing(s) that comes along.

Monday, April 11, 2011

I Know Him

I was driving home today, listening to Tammy Parnell's new solo CD. One of my favorites songs on there is her rendition of Mandisa's "Not Guilty." That song is so powerful. It makes me cry every time I hear it. God has been so good to me. I'm glad I know him. I'm grateful he knows me, loves me, and gave his life for me. Without Jesus Christ, my life would be harder to deal with it. I don't know how the unsaved do it.

My challenge: Do you know Him? If you don't, you better find out how to know Him. If you do know Him, have you loved him enough to give your whole life to Him? Many Christians get saved but then do nothing for Him. Have you done anything for Him? We can be so selfish sometimes that a football game is too important to go to church for or your fears keep you from witnessing to a stranger. Whatever it may be that keeps you from giving everything to Him, it's not worth it. He gave his Son. Would you give yours?

Verse 1:
I stand accused, there's a list a mile long
Of all my sins, of everything that I've done wrong
I'm so ashamed, there's nowhere left for me to hide
This is the day, I must answer for my life
My fate is in the Judges hands,
But then he turns to me and says

I know you, I love you
I gave my life, to save you
Love paid the price for mercy
My verdict, not guilty

Verse 2:
How can it be, I cannot begin to comprehend
What kind of Grace would take the place for all my sins
I stand in awe, now that I have been set free
And the tears well up, as I look at that Cross
'Cause it should've been me
My fate was in the nail scarred hands,
He stretched them out for me and said...

I know you, I love you
I gave my life, to save you
Love paid the price, for Mercy
My verdict, not guilty

I'm falling on my knees to thank You
With everything I am, I praise You
So grateful for the words I heard you say

I know you, I love you
I gave my life...
I know you, I love you
I gave my life, just to save you
Love paid the price, for Mercy
My verdict is, not guilty
Love paid the price, for Mercy
My verdict, not guilty ... not guilty

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Everyone Goes Through Something

The Women's Conference yesterday at church was such a blessing. Big thank you to the singers, speakers, planners, sound crew, video crew, cooks, and servers. Everything was wonderful. It was what I needed after all I've been through within the past 6 months.

I had to grab Tammy Parnell's new solo CD. If you don't know who she is, check out her group's website soulharvestonline.net.

My first post of my journey kinda rambled a little bit. I want to clarify something. Nothing you go through is too big for God. However, it may be too big for you to handle all by yourself. That's why he brings certain people into our lives to help us through whatever trials we go through. I'm so grateful for all the people he's brought into my life just these past couple of months. They have truly helped me on my journey to being normal, again. Those people were intentionally put into my life by my Lord. He listened when I told him I couldn't do this alone. Grace and mercy means so much more to me today than it ever has.

Our main speaker was Debbie Sobeskie, from Hannah's Hope Ministries. Hannah was a faithful young woman who died of cancer. She didn't let her hope die. All she wanted was to be able to help just one person. To read more about Hannah's story and learn more about Hannah's Hope Ministries, check out www.hannashopeministries.org.

This morning, I ask for your prayers for Nate (my husband) and his family. His papa is in the hospital. He is living his last days. He's had cancer for a long time. His nana is not taking it well. In addition to dealing with a sick husband, she isn't well herself. She has alzheimer's. This is a very hard time for the family. We do have hope, though. We know that he will be in Heaven when he passes. He was in and out last night because of the medication but all he wanted to do was make jokes. He and Hannah have that in common. They never let their spirits and their joy for life die. We could all learn something from people like them.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Journey to normal, again

Instead of writing a letter to God, I've decided to just write to whoever wants to read. I can talk and pray to God whenever and wherever. This blog is for me and for anyone who gets any help or encouragement out of it. This is part of my therapy back to feeling normal, again, normal for me.

In the past 6 months I've gone through a lot of life changes. This time, I wasn't able to ignore the stress or frustration. It caught up to me and flew by me. I felt like I couldn't keep up with how fast life was moving. It was like I was on the outside watching myself just moving along. It wasn't until a month or so ago that I realized how it was affecting my life: work and home. I have been experiencing stress, frustration, loneliness, depression; pretty much a lot of emotions all at the same time. I needed help that I wasn't getting.

As a Christian, I'm not naive. I pray, go to church, listen to sermons, do daily devotions, and whatever else devoted Christians do. But I wasn't getting what I needed. The Lord has done so much for me in my life but I needed help from a human. It reminds me of the illustration about the man who was stranded on the island. He believed and had faith that the Lord would get him off the island. So God sent a plane, a boat, and something else (I can't remember). The man refused all three. He asked "Lord, why didn't you save me." The Lord answered, " I tried. You refused all three times I tried." Moral: Don't expect things to happen out of thin air. You ask God for help. You gotta take action on your part, too. Yes, God performs miracles but don't expect it every time you have a problem. So, in my case, I've sought help from professionals.

This is just the start of my journey back to being me, again. It was hard at first. I've always been the one to help others. I've always been able to keep my own emotions under control. This time I couldn't. So much had happened. My job got busier. My baby turned into a busy body 1 year old. My husband was on third shift. I became sick about once a month when before I wasn't hardly sick at all. Then, one of the worst of all things happened. My cousin committed suicide. We weren't extremely close but close enough that his death was the first death I'd experience of someone so close to me.

Through all this, God continues to be so good. Without Him, I probably would've gone into deep depression, not having anything to do with anybody. He's brought so many godly people into my life. I'm so grateful. He helped me start this journey. I'll make sure He is who leads me.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

If you ask, then follow

Dear God,

Many times we ask you for answers or guidance, but then we don't want to accept it. I know it's because it's not what we wanted to here. Over the past month, I've been mentally and emotionally struggling. So much has happened within the last 6 months. I've had a pretty good, fairly easy life. Lately, it's just been one thing after another. Twice you have told me what I need to do. I haven't obeyed, yet. The second answer came today. Why am I so stubborn? I will follow through. I have to.

Being a Christian can be a lonely road no matter how much family or friends you may have. Thank you for those people you bring into my life. They are those who take the effort to help me even if they don't have the answers. So I'm not so lonely but sometimes I sure do feel like it. Part of it is because I've never needed so much help. I'm always the one who's helping other people. I've never had to ask for this kind of help. Yes, I'm stubborn as a mule. But I'm also just plain out scared even though I know it will make me a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, employee, citizen and Christian. Thank you for never leaving me even if my humanly self will sometimes wonder if you're really there. You are always there!

Many people may look at me and my life and not ever think that anything is hard for me. I've worked hard to be where I'm at. It was easy. It's not easy. I do have my downs along with my ups. It could be worst, but right now it is tough. I'm grateful but there are times when I'm a little lost or confused.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

No title

Dear God,

It's been awhile since I've posted anything. I've slacked on my reading, too, but not as much as my postings. It's been a very stressful, crazy couple of weeks. It's taking time for me to adjust to this new medication and daylight savings. Uggh, it's not fun. But thank you for getting me through it all.

I hope that people are getting ready for you to come back. I don't know what other signs you gotta give them: Japan's earthquake & tsunami, the protesting all over the world, the crazier things that people are doing that makes them end up in jail or prison or dead, suicides, young people dying. We tend to think we're going to die young but there's no promise for tomorrow. I pray for those who aren't ready and those who don't know how to get ready.

Thank you for this beautiful weather. It feels so good to be able to go outside and play. Valerie loves it!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Selfish People

Dear God,

Why are we such selfish people? I can be so selfish sometimes. I've experienced other people so selfish. We care more about ourselves. We will argue and fight over what we think is right and what should be. We forget to think about how self-less you were when you let your Son die on the cross for us. You gave up your Son for us. We don't deserve you. I'm so grateful.

I pray for those who are going through problems that they have themselves caused because they are so selfish to give up less of what they want. I pray for those who are so selfish that they forget about others around them and how it affects those around them.

James 3:16- For where envying and strife [is], there [is] confusion and every evil work.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Your Mercy Saved Me

Dear God,

I missed my blogging yesterday, but I did read two chapters of Matthew. Anyway, you know that. I was listening to Casting Crowns "Mercy" on the way home. I was almost home but when I got to: "Your mercy saved me, mercy made me whole. Your mercy found me, called me as your own" I couldn't help but cry. As tears rolled down my face, I became so grateful for your mercy. I also was saddened by the fact that Derek didn't accept that mercy. If only you called him as your own, I know he would still be here.

It's still so hard. Thinking about the depression I've been going through myself, I have never gotten so low that I wanted to end my own life. I know that is only because of your mercy. Your hand is always there to pick me back up. You do hold me close. And for that, I am forever grateful.

Thank you for my friends and family who have prayed for me, patted me on the back, hugged me, cried with me, loved me, and comforted me. It means so much to me. They may never really know how much it means, especially if they've never gone through anything like I have so intensely in the past several months. I've never come out and said it but if they read my blogs, they know. Continue to watch over us, Lord. Protect us from the ones with Antichrist hearts.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Don't Understand It

Dear God,

Today has been a tough day. This morning I woke up late because my alarm clock (cellphone) was in the living room. This afternoon I found out my cousin committed suicide. In the midst of all this, I am so thankful that I chose you and that you chose me.

I don't understand why he did what he did. I partially know the events and the things that were going on in his life that lead up to it. However, I just still can't fathom how someone could leave behind his whole entire family, which included his 3 year old daughter. How is grandma going to explain that daddy will never come back? How is she going to explain it when she gets older that daddy killed himself?

As I look back, the times we had a kids were such precious times. My favorite memories will always be getting together during holidays and birthdays and playing football and hide n seek in the dark. We were all so innocent back then. We had no worries, no responsibilities. As we got older, we drifted. We started our own lives and drifted apart. I hate that it happened but it did. We can't change that now, not with him anyway. But we can change it with the ones who are still. I hope that with all of this that the young people of the world start to realize how important family should be to them. I hope that they start searching for You.

I ask that you give traveling mercies to some of the family that is driving to Texas on Wednesday. I ask that you show yourself to them, at least one of them. I hope they see you and take the offer.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Souls for Our Labor (Matthew 13:24-58)

Dear God,

Thank you for your Word. Last night's devotions included parables and what they meant. I heard many times from others that you are not a god of confusion. Some things are not meant for us to know. Some things are obvious. Some things take waiting, studying, and searching for us to know what you are trying to tell us. Of course, there are things that aren't meant to be known.

The parables were about the lost, the saved, hell, and heaven. We live in a world where not everyone is a Christian. We have to know how to go about living our daily lives with lost people around us. That's what your Word and your teachings are for. We can be in the World but we shouldn't live like the World.

This morning I pray for the Shirey's, who are singing at the church today, our Preacher and his family, and our church family. I ask that you give souls for our labor. Bless those who continue to do your will. Oh and bless the hands who prepare lunch. Mmmm...lol.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Caring is better than Judging

Dear God,

As I was on my way home work and picking up Valerie from the grandparents, Beth Moore came on the radio. She was talking about the night before when she went to dinner with her family. She said she saw two women at the bar of the restaurant scantily dressed. What I noticed about this story was the fact that Beth Moore did make judgments about the two women. She could've ranted on and on about how barely dressed they were. She didn't talk about how they are bad influences to young girls.

What she realized was that she could've easily been one of them. She could be in a compromising situation. She was concerned for them. She cared for them. She had godly love for them. She made an observation about them but didn't judge them. She didn't say it but at that moment I'm sure she said a little prayer for them.

I learned that a true Christian who has compassion for others shouldn't criticize. Yes, everyone has an opinion but sometimes, at that moment, our opinions are not important. At that moment, instead of making a judgment and assumptions about someone, we should pray for them. She should be more concerned about their souls then focusing on what they are doing wrong. Try and help them. Sometimes help just means saying a prayer.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Looking Forward

Dear God,

I am physically tired and aching today. Spiritually, I'm doing pretty good. Thank you for helping me stay focused and committed. This week I've really been on it. I'm getting up early enough to exercise and get to work 15 minutes earlier than usual. I'm studying your Word everyday even if it's one verse, passage, or chapter. I will need your support to continue this. I know myself and I know that I can slack off after several weeks if I don't stay focused.

I ask for your hand and your work in our church. I've noticed the change in the atmosphere. Attitudes have changed. Those who want more have moved on to another church. Those who don't like what they here, leave and/or complain. Those who have been faithful and want the church to grow have become discouraged. There's a lot of talk and not enough doing for You. My family is not going anywhere. I think it's important to support our preacher who strives to do your Will everyday. He studies, learns, and teaches in hopes of greater, more positive movement in and outside of our church. I know that our church is capable of so much more. Show me what more I can do to help.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Faith of the Canaanite Woman (Matthew 15:21-28)

Dear God,

Thank you for the message Conterrance delivered tonight. Bless him and his family. Matthew 15:21-28 is a story about a Canaanite Woman who went to Jesus to get help for her demon-possessed daughter. She continued to ask for help until Jesus granted her wish.

Of course I know that not everyone who is persistent will get what they want. This woman asked for something that was not for herself. She asked for him to get rid of a demon. She had faith that he could do it and she wouldn't let it up until he did.

Not many people have that mustard seed size faith. I know that most of the time I don't. But I know that the next time I go through a rough time, I'll remember this passage. I won't let up and I'll continue loving, praising, and worshiping you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Everything is Not All Good

Dear God,

Many people think that being a Christian means everything is all good all the time. WRONG! If anything, Christians face more attacks than a non-Christian. On the other hand, life is not that much harder. It's just different. I can face what lies ahead because I have you on my side. It doesn't mean that I don't face problems or that I have the answer to everything. It just means I can face the problems and get past them. It also means sometimes I get an answer and sometimes I don't need an answer.

This week started off pretty tough. I'm motivated to continue growing in every aspect of my life. However, I still struggle with a bout of human loneliness and depression. I know I will get past this with time. Thank you for your continued support. When it seems no one else is around, you are. I couldn't ask for a better friend and Father.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Motivation (Matthew 11)

Dear God,

Forgive me for I have not been the best that I can be. That probably sounds silly to whoever reads this but it's the best way I can say it. Anyway...work has been blah. That's the only way I can describe it. I got to a point where I was unmotivated. I was overwhelmed with work but I don't think it was the fact that there was too much work, although some days or even weeks seemed like their was too much work. I realized today that I let myself down by becoming complacent. I didn't just let myself down, though. I let down those above me. Many times, I'm my own worst enemy. But thank you for your messengers.

In tonight's reading, two verses stuck out to me. Matthew 11: 10, "For this is he, of whom it is written. Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before them." Matthew 11:15, "He that hath ears to hear, let him hear." You sent two wonderful, supportive people my way. As hard as I can be on myself, it's not motivation. I can't do everything alone. I didn't realize how much of a burden I put on myself. I can't blame anyone else but I can seek help from others. I needed the constructive criticism. I needed someone to give it to me and I needed to sit and listen to it.

I hate that it got to this point but I'm not perfect. I can't be perfect. I shouldn't expect myself to be perfect. Failure is okay if I learn from it because then it's not failure. It's more like getting lost when you decide to wander off the path and whether it's because you sent someone or you knocked some sense into me, I find my way back. Well I've found my way and I'm motivated to go further down my path with much attentiveness.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What are you Here for?

Dear God,

You motivated me today. I know that my daily devotions and this blog is what you want me to do. Preacher Kevin's message this morning was simple: We should be doing some for You. Otherwise, what are we here for but to go to attend church service on Sunday morning? It just motives me to continue what I'm doing and to encourage others to find what it is that you want them to do.

I pray that the family of 8 who left this morning decides to come back. I hope that they don't judge your work in our church by one person's selfishness. Why do people think they own the seat in the pew that they sit in all the time? SOS! (scoot over some) It's so sad how so many people become so comfortable that they don't notice the road block they cause for the church and for other people. I hope that person heard what the preacher was saying this morning. We can't grow if people get comfortable and just assume someone else will do it (whatever it may be). Thankfully, not everyone is like that. Thankfully, our preacher is not like that. Bless him and his family, Lord.

I also pray that I don't get comfortable. No one likes to get out of their comfort zone but it has to happen. I know it does for me in order for me to continue growing. I can't do things based on how I feel.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sheep in the Midst of Wolves (Matthew 10:16-42)

Dear God,

The wolves have become more noticeable in today's world. They seek to devour your sheep without hesitation or shame and out in the open. Thank you for protecting me from the wolves. I know that the wolves will try even harder to attack me because I am your child; they have tried. I also know that as long as you are my Savior and I continue to look to you, you will keep me safe.

Just as you warned and prepared your disciples for their journeys, you do the same for us. This is why it's important to fellowship with other Christians, study the Bible daily, seek help and comfort from godly people, and talk and listen to you. I may not understand it all or want to follow parts of the path you have for me, but I have to obey and be faithful. In the end, it's what I want to do.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Let Jesus Make You Whole (Matthew 8-9)

Dear God,

You are so gracious to have sent your son to die on the cross for us. It's just so hard for me to fathom the reality that after Jesus performed so many miracles, He still ended up nailed to the cross. Of course, I know that it was his purpose, to die on the cross for us. Thank you isn't enough.

Matthew 9: 20-22 is the story about the woman who had enough faith to know that all she was needed was to touch the hem of his garment. I love the song that was written from that story, "One Touch." Nicole C Mullen sings it best.

You made me whole when you saved my soul. I pray that more people would allow you to make them whole. Life's so much better with you in it. It's complete.

Nicole C. Mullen - One Touch [Press]
Uploaded by Warner-Music. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Judging Others (Matthew 7:1-6)

Dear God,

Many people take your Word out of context to justify themselves or falsely lead people (purposeful or not). That's why it is important for me to read the Bible and not just listen to what others have to say about it.

I've heard a lot, "You shouldn't judge him" or "God is the only one who can judge." People who say this take the first verse out of context, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." Verses 1-6 in the entirety explains judging and being judged.

Let's dissect the verses individually.
Verse 1: Judge not, that ye be not judged. Don't judge so that you're not judged. Meaning, be ready to be judged if you are going to judge.
Verse 2: For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. For as much as you judge someone for something, you'll be judged the same way for the same thing.
Verse 3: And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Why point out someone's problem or flaw when you have a bigger problem or flaw?
Verse 4: Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye. Why would you offer to help someone when you need help yourself?
Verse 5: Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. Handle your own business before trying fix someone else's problem.
Verse 6: Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before the swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you. Don't try to help those who don't want it. They will only try to bring you down with them.

Conclusion: It's okay to judge others. However, you better be prepared to be judged back. If you have things you need to work on yourself, you shouldn't go judging someone about something you think they need to fix. Get yourself right before trying to get someone else right. It's like when a woman criticizes the way another one dresses when she herself speaks with foul language or a drunk trying to help another drunk. And although you have dealt with your issues doesn't mean the person you are judging wants your help.

This passage spoke to me. Sometimes I can be judgmental when I don't have the right to be. I have found that unless you truly know that person inside and out, you may have no idea what they may be going through. And even if you do, it doesn't give you the right to take it upon yourself to help them because you think you're the expert. If they don't want your help, all you can do is speak from the heart and let it be. In the end, they either accept you, Lord, or they don't.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A God I Don't Deserve (Matthew 6)

Dear God,

Thank you for providing me with what I need and what I want. I can't be disappointed about where I am in my life, the people around me and the things that I have. For a long time we (Nate and I) have struggled spiritually and financially. We lived with you in the back of our minds, not giving you our whole hearts. We lived with little money, barely scraping by and sometimes not at all. Through all that, you not only stuck by us, but provided for us.
In the past 3 years, I have learned so much. We both have learned how to lean on you and to trust that things won't always be or seem so bad. When times got rough and we thought we wouldn't ever get a break, you gave it to us. We would think, "How are we going to pay for this?" All of  sudden, we'd get an unexpected check or you'd settle the unemployment issue or you'd provide a small job that was just enough to pay for whatever it was at the time we needed the money for. I know that was you. Who else would love us so much to continually give us what we need even after we doubted you?
Today, we both have jobs that we love. Not only did you provide financially but you provided spiritually. You provided a godly church family. You provided me with godly leaders. I'm surrounded by faithful Christians at work- my supervisor, my boss, and several of my co-workers. You provided me with godly in-laws, especially the grandparents. I cherish the grandparents in-laws (lol, sounds funny) because I never knew my grandparents. All but one died before I was born. That one died 3 years ago. He lived on the other side of the world and I only met him once.
I don't deserve anything you give me. I didn't outright reject you, but I did by not living the way you wanted me to. It's been 3 years since I rededicated my life to you and I don't regret it one bit. You continue to bless me and my family and I am forever grateful. I try not to go a day without thinking about one small thing that you've blessed me. When things aren't going well, it makes me feel better to think back, think now, and think forward. It gives me gratitude, hope and excitement.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Beware of Sneaky Sins (Matthew 5:31-32)

Dear God,

I ask that you continue to protect my marriage. As I read Matthew 4 and 5, there are a lot do's and don'ts. Two verses in particular discuss divorce and adultery. The rate of divorce among Christians and non-Christians is too high. What does it say about Christians if our divorce rate is the same with or without the non-Christians?

Adultery in today's world is a big problem. Adultery includes lusting; which is not physical like most of us think adultery is. I, now understand why this is considered adultery. Adultery, like many "big and bad" sins (as we humanly rate sins) starts somewhere for it to become physical- a picture, "innocent" flirting, comforting words, or even the clothes that we wear.

This got me thinking about the sneaky sins. The sneaky sins are the ones that get by unnoticed for a longer period of time than those "big and bad" sins. Eventually they become the "big and bad" sins. They are gateway sins. They open the gate to more sins if you don't "nip it in the bud."

So my lesson here is to pay attention and listen when you tell me something I think is nothing but is a sin. I can't let the devil get through my back door. Lord, continue to guide me so that when those gateway sins come along, I recognize them immediately and can kick them to the curb. Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me." With you by my side, I will see the sneaky sins and have the strength to overcome them.

Monday, February 21, 2011

...Unto the End of the World (Matthew 28:20)

Dear God,

Lately, there have been lots of protests and dangerous situations going on here, in America, and in other countries like Egypt, Libya, and Iran. . I pray for those who aren't ready for whatever end that they will face. When will people recognize it or acknowledge the warnings that you are giving us? My heart goes out to the lost.
As Your child, I can truly say that I am not afraid. Today's verse, Matthew 28:20 says,  "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen."  (KJV) Thank you for being by my side at all times. When no one else is around to comfort me, protect me, give me advice, or even be my friend, you are here. I know that whatever Earthly death I will face will never be greater or compare to the eternal life I will have with you. You are awesome!

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Dear God,

Forgive me for I've missed a day of devotions. Thank you for safe travel down here to Batesburg. It's been enjoyable.

We skipped church this morning at Bethlehem. We're sitting here watching the First Baptist of Columbia on tv. He's been preaching about change. It makes me think about our church at Westgate FWB. Preacher Kevin is so excited about change and growth. I pray that the congregation as a whole becomes more excited and more supportive of his desires for change and growth.

My mother-in-law mentioned being a part of a small church. It made me think of Preacher Kevin when he said, "There's something wrong when you don't want to be a part of a big church." Why wouldn't you want your Bible-believing, Bible-preaching church to grow? I used to think, too big, too many people that I don't know. Who cares!?! I don't go to church to know every person who belongs to my church. I go to church to learn more about You and to grow spiritually and to provide support for the man of God. And, hopefully, along the way, I meet some members who I enjoy fellowshipping with, who encourage me and help me to grow. So you know what? Bring it on!

Change and growth are important. I don't want a stagnant church. I don't want a church that's comfortable without moving up. I want a church that marches on through your guidance. I want a church that outreaches and brings people to You. I want a church that is on fire for You. I want to do your will.That's my prayer this morning.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Matthew 1-2: The Birth of Jesus

Dear God,

Thank you for the birth of Jesus. Without him I would not have much purpose in life. I couldn't imagine living my adult life without you. Being an adult is hard and I say that with all seriousness, truth, and some humor. You give me a path to walk on where if I get lost, you'll bring me back on track.

Thank you for protection. Just as you protected Jesus from King Herod and his son, you protect me and my family from many things that come our way and we don't even know it. I pray that I will heed to ALL your directions for my life and not hesitate when you say, "Go."

I pray for those who don't have you in their lives, whether they know you or not. It would be extremely sad and a wasteful life to know you and what you can do and not let you guide them. What purpose in life would there be but to just live it and try to survive? They are not living up to their potentials. Imagine the things that could happen and come about if more people would just accept you and let you guide them. So many people rely on their own blind guidance. They may be happy for a little while, but it won't last in the things of the world.

This morning I of think of Brian and Suzanne. They have been such supportive in-laws. I love them very much. Suzanne's Aunt Nell has been sent back to the nursing home. However, it's not because she's better and will be fine. It's because she's slightly better but will get worst and because of her age there's not much the doctors and nurses can do. Brian's stepdad was in taken to the hospital Wednesday. He has congestive heart failure. These two people continue to trod on daily but I know that it won't be long until you take them to be with You. They have suffered much. Comfort the families.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Exodus 34-40

Dear God,

Today I struggled with focus, because I was running on about four hours of sleep. I managed to be productive and get some work done, but my ADD sure did kick in often. Thank you for helping me get through the day and helping me get through last night. Thank you for watching over Valerie after both episodes. I ask for rest tonight, which makes me think of my devotions tonight.

Throughout my reading you commanded over and over that the Children of Israel should rest on the 7th day after working for 6 days. So many times I have worked week after week with no rest. I, now, completely understand Nate when he insists on spending our weekends together as a family and when he gets upset because he doesn't get a full day off of work. I understood but part of me still thought, "Deal with it. It's life. Sometimes you don't get to spend the day together. Sometimes you don't get a day off." I guess I was being a bit insensitive. Maybe I should be more comforting and less abrasive. Forgive me, Lord.

As I was reading, I was thinking about what I would discuss in today's letter. What I've talked about has nothing to do with all the options that were in my head. Lord, you are definitely amazing! You change direction when we think we know we are going in the right way. This is the wonderfulness of your presence as a living God. It makes me want to give us less control and follow where you will lead me. It's an adventure.

Note to followers: I pray that you still find usefulness out of my rambling. At least the Lord knows what I'm trying to say. lol :)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Beginning

Dear God,

You saved me when I was 16 years old. I remember it like it was yesterday. Since then I've been on a roller coaster. Shamefully, I admit, I haven't delve into Your Word like I should have. Yes, I know, I'm not perfect. I fail you daily. Several months after Nate and I married, you led us to a wonderful church with wonderful people. I can't thank you enough. We rededicated our lives and set course to be more faithful and more obedient.

One thing I have failed so much on is reading and meditation on Your Word daily. One of my New Year's resolutions is to be more faithful, more committed in doing so. When I became pregnant with Valerie two years ago, I engulfed myself into the Bible. I wanted to prepare to be good Godly mother. I read on my own and Nate and I even started our little family devotions. Unfortunately, once Valerie was born I quit reading. I can blame it on the new journey of parenthood but once things calmed down, I didn't return. Forgive me, Lord. It's like Preacher Kevin said one Wednesday (if I remember correctly ), I may do one thing right, but if I don't try to do other things right, the Lord will not bless me for being obedient in one area. We've done our best to obey what God wants us to do. However, daily reading and meditation has been my constant failure. I started off well after I made the resolution, but I began to make excuses and got lazy. I'm still doing my devotions but I'm having to catch up because it's not on a daily basis. Since I'm on the computer all the time, I might as well use for You.

I hope that others can be encouraged and blessed through my journey with you. I want it to also help me stay on the path of this commitment I've made.  It's not about doing the act, it's about growing as a Christian. It's about a desire to know You more so that I can be a better mother, wife, daughter, friend, employee, and most of all, Christian.