The first potty trip was at home before left. She sat but nothing. The second trip was in the nursery. She wanted a cookie but I told her she had to try to peepee first. She did try but nothing. We tried another time before church was over and still nothing.
I think it was helpful and also a little discouraging when two of the younger children in the nursery were being potty trained and doing better than Valerie. However, I hear that boys are easier to potty train than girls. Their equipment makes for easier potty training. I'm dedicated and she will get it in her own time. I can't force it or she won't even want to use the potty.
Besides the obvious "patience", this part of the journey requires a lot of dedication for both mommy and child. I can't get lazy and give up and just wait for her to use it when she's 5. lol... In all seriousness, it makes me think of dedication in my spiritual life. Am I as dedicated as I can be to the Lord? Am I putting forth as much effort in my relationship with Him as I am with this potty training. Shamefully, the answer is no. Who would've thought potty training would bring conviction? The Lord knows funny. :)
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