Matthew 7:11 says, "If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!" Christians or not, we want the best for our children. God is the same way. We are his children and if we ask, we will receive. Of course, there are two things to remember: (1) It's not everything you ask for, but the things of good and for good and within His will for you, and (2) we will receive it in His time, not ours. That's where the patience needs to kick in.
So, this part of the journey of being a mommy has begun. Today started Valerie's potty training. Can we say much needed "patience"? Who wants to clean up pee and poop off the floor? But that's the job of a mommy. Valerie is will learn that the potty will be her friend. From advice of many friends and family, I've decided to use the no diaper, only underwear method. Of course, we will have to use the diapers during nap time and bedtime. My reinforcements are stickers, the privilege of flushing the toilet, and the realization that panties get dirty and wet when you don't use the bathroom on the potty. We'll see how this journey goes and how long it takes. I will keep you updated.
1st incident-
I tried the expensive waterproof underwear on. I covered her Tinkerbell saucer chair with a bath towel. After about 10 minutes, she peed in the underwear. Her 2-year old realization? The towel wasn't wet, even though she had peed in her underwear. So we remove the underwear to be washed and I put her in regular underwear.
For the next couple hours, I continue to ask her if she needs to potty. I give her breakfast (cereal and milk), her vitamin, and milk. When the milk is gone, I give her water.
Valerie then tells me she needs to poo poo. We sit and nothing. I explain to her that if she needs to poo poo, she needs to do in the potty or her underwear will get dirty. Then I encourage her by showing her the stickers and telling her that she only gets it if she uses the potty not just for sitting on it. I get the "Ok, mommy." So I watch her as she plays to stay on top of the training and try to prevent accidents.
2nd Incident and 2 pairs of underwear later -
I move the potty from the living room to the game room where she's "cooking" at her new kitchen she got for Christmas. I notice that expression she gets when it's poo poo time. I remind her about using the potty.
As I'm on the laptop in the same room, I see out of the corner of my eye, a little 2 year old opening up her potty. She proceeds to sit and, literally, 2 seconds later, "Mommy, I poo poo." I clap and congratulate her. She notifies daddy who also claps and congratulates. Of course, it was the usual "Great job, baby. Good girl!" I clean her up.(Side note- I've read that "Good girl" is not good to use. It may make her think she's bad if she doesn't do it in the potty. But it's natural to say it and I don't think she's having any confusion.) I give her 2 stickers. We go to the big potty and we flush.
3rd Incident-
About 5 minutes later, Valerie ends up peeing on the living room floor. I tell her she needs to use the potty and that mommy will clean up the mess. Obviously, she wasn't completely finished from the 2nd incident. Remember "two steps forward, one step back"? I think we're now at "one step forward, two steps back." I'm sure that's normal in the beginning. I clean up the mess with no negative attitude, which instantly, put my thoughts back to "patience." Thank God for patience! I'm sure this will not be the last mess I will have to clean up.
4th Incident and 3 pairs of underwear later:
Daddy asks Valerie if she needs to potty. She insists that she doesn't. Then she comes running out of her bedroom saying, "I'm wet!" Another mess on the floor.
So we put her in a pull-up in order to go out to eat. We try to get her to potty before bedtime. I guess 1 successful potty trip is better than none. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
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