You motivated me today. I know that my daily devotions and this blog is what you want me to do. Preacher Kevin's message this morning was simple: We should be doing some for You. Otherwise, what are we here for but to go to attend church service on Sunday morning? It just motives me to continue what I'm doing and to encourage others to find what it is that you want them to do.
I pray that the family of 8 who left this morning decides to come back. I hope that they don't judge your work in our church by one person's selfishness. Why do people think they own the seat in the pew that they sit in all the time? SOS! (scoot over some) It's so sad how so many people become so comfortable that they don't notice the road block they cause for the church and for other people. I hope that person heard what the preacher was saying this morning. We can't grow if people get comfortable and just assume someone else will do it (whatever it may be). Thankfully, not everyone is like that. Thankfully, our preacher is not like that. Bless him and his family, Lord.
I also pray that I don't get comfortable. No one likes to get out of their comfort zone but it has to happen. I know it does for me in order for me to continue growing. I can't do things based on how I feel.
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