Today I struggled with focus, because I was running on about four hours of sleep. I managed to be productive and get some work done, but my ADD sure did kick in often. Thank you for helping me get through the day and helping me get through last night. Thank you for watching over Valerie after both episodes. I ask for rest tonight, which makes me think of my devotions tonight.
Throughout my reading you commanded over and over that the Children of Israel should rest on the 7th day after working for 6 days. So many times I have worked week after week with no rest. I, now, completely understand Nate when he insists on spending our weekends together as a family and when he gets upset because he doesn't get a full day off of work. I understood but part of me still thought, "Deal with it. It's life. Sometimes you don't get to spend the day together. Sometimes you don't get a day off." I guess I was being a bit insensitive. Maybe I should be more comforting and less abrasive. Forgive me, Lord.
As I was reading, I was thinking about what I would discuss in today's letter. What I've talked about has nothing to do with all the options that were in my head. Lord, you are definitely amazing! You change direction when we think we know we are going in the right way. This is the wonderfulness of your presence as a living God. It makes me want to give us less control and follow where you will lead me. It's an adventure.
Note to followers: I pray that you still find usefulness out of my rambling. At least the Lord knows what I'm trying to say. lol :)
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