Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Who's Your Ultimate Leader?

As people go out and vote today, I'm reminded that no matter who wins, God's my ultimate leader. I know that he is in control of it all, including my own life. All of my decisions, big or small, should be what He wants for my life. In the end, he will fix it all (maybe not in the way some people would want).

This time around I have to wait to vote when I get off work. I know I will go in there making a sound, educated decision because I, for myself, educated myself about all the candidates, not just the top two. I not only educated myself about their stand on each political issue but also have taken into consideration the truth behind it all. Do I believe what they are telling? Do I trust that they won't change their minds once they get into office? Of course, with the past four years, I got to observe Obama and his leadership.I;m also well aware that some are more deceiving than others; that's what a lot of politicians do. I won't tell you who I'm voting because I'm not trying to sway anyone in any direction except that you choose who you think will be the right person for office. As a Christian, I've prayed that God would show me the right direction and I've prayed for our country in general.

The outcome may not be what I would like, but I have more to look forward to than who's going to be my President. I look forward to one day being with the King. He is the best leader anyone could have. He's never steered me the wrong way; however, I've been selfish and steered myself the wrong way.

If you're sitting there and you refuse to vote because you think your voice won't be heard, that's why we're where we are today. You don't have to vote for Romney or Obama. You could vote third party or even write in someone. You may say, "Why? What good would that do?" Imagine if everyone like you went out to vote for a third party candidate. What a statement that would make to our government. That's why I choose to vote. I think we, as Americans, sit back and wait too much. We hope someone else will do it or stand up for it. We have allowed the politicans, special-interest groups, and  activists to act for us and decide for us.

Even if my vote won't really matter to anyone, it matters to me. As a woman, I also choose to vote for all those who fought so hard so I could vote. There are women in other countries who don't get the privilege. I thank God I live in a country where I have so many freedoms. So go...go vote.!

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