I'm not a faithful blogger like most. I do like to use it as a way of getting my thoughts down that shouldn't be a Facebook status update- too long for that. :)
I just want to thank the Lord this afternoon for his provisions. We have more than we need but sometimes still struggle through our daily lives. Personally, it's financially. It's not that we don't have what we need but that our flesh, my flesh, get in the way of what's important.Of course, you can apply that to anything in our lives, not just finances.
I'm the one in the family who is responsible for keeping up with the finances. I'm okay with that job and Nate is definitely okay with it, too. So as I was working through how much is coming in and who's going to get it (it never stays in the bank for too long), He reminded me of the love and blessings he provides. He reminded me of the little things. Even if it's a couple bucks left over, I sure am thankful. Many people are under even after they try their best to cut back. It's the reality of our economy over the past decade. But he still provides and will never let us go without the necessities. If anything, he always provides us with more.
You can't take the material things with you when you die. Those nice, fancy items won't be necessary in Heaven. They definitely don't bring happiness here on Earth. I've thought about our "stuff"- how I could live without the 3 tv's that we have and have none. Yes, I said "none." There's a lot of things we think we can't live without that we could if it came down to it. Sometimes I complain that our house is too small but the three of us manage it and aren't fighting for sitting room and it's not falling apart. It may not be the best, but we're able to pay the mortgage with no problems. I still fight my flesh for things that I WANT, but with Him he reminds me that it's only about NEED. When you have a tight budget, you can't splurge very often. You can keep up with the Jones's because behind the scenes the Jones' may filing bankruptcy.
I hope that you are reminded the next time you want to worry or complain, that God provides ALWAYS. Matthew 6:31-32 says, "Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we
drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the
Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these
things." (KJV)