Over the past several weeks, there's been a lot of talk, bickering, and discussion about homosexuality. First of all, sin is sin, no matter what it is. Of course, there are many opinions and beliefs on the matter. Everyone has that right to do so. I'm not writing to explain to you why I believe what I believe. What's bothered me is all the bullying and name calling on both sides of the spectrum. Two wrongs never make a right.
It's not okay to bully someone because of what they believe. It's not okay to call them names because they don't believe what you believe. For the Christians, whatever happened to "God is love" 1 John 4:16? For the non-Christians, what about the golden rule, "Do unto others as you have them do unto you." Did you know that the Golden rule comes from the Bible? Matthew 7:12. I'm going to talk about this from two sides: Christian and non-Christian.
The Christian. Bullying? Name-calling? Yes, unfortunately, I have seen how Christians bully and name-call people they believe to be non-Christians. It's not so much the physical bullying, although I know of such that has happened and am aware it exists. It's the "I'm think that's wrong" approach that turns into "Read the Bible, you idot." Trying to force your belief on someone by telling them over and over, will not work. Shoving your Bible in their face doesn't work, especially if they don't believe what the Bible says. Being mean is also not the answer. It's completely opposite from what God commanded us to do. I read the comments from people about the 4th year anniversary of gay couple, Ellen DeGeneres and Portia. One person said, "ellen hell is waiting on you .gays make me sick .you should have ben a man cause you look like a man." That's plain out mean and hurtful. If I were not a Christian, I wouldn't want to be one based on this statement. First of all even if hell were waiting on her, it's just not something you say to someone. Second, gays make you sick? They are people just like you. What they do may makes you sick. Then this person attacks the way Ellen looks. That's another issue, one that many young people struggle with. Eph 4:15 says to speak in truth with love. That comment was not with love. If it did anything, it just fueled more hate.
We are to love one another. God really is love. He loved us so much he gave up his one and only son (John 3:16). God's love is the ultimate love. We should try to follow that example every day. The more we practice it, the less we have to keep trying. I understand, some people are hard to love, but they are sinners just like you and me.1 John 4:7 says, " Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God." Matthew 5:43-48 commands us to love our enemies, not hate them. 1 Corinthians 13:4- "Love is patient and kind..." When Jesus was beaten, spat on, and hung on the cross, he did not utter one mean thing. He barely uttered anything but he did say this, "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." (Luke 23:24).
In today's society, the World wants tolerance, compromise and acceptance. Just because a multitude say it's okay, doesn't mean it is. We should stand firm in what we believe. If you can't back up your individual beliefs, you need to re-evaluate and search for yourself. Non-Christians demand respect and equal rights but when it comes to Christians, they discriminate. Christians are discriminated against everyday but the many non-Christians tolerate it and look past it. I'll go back to gay marriage as the controversial religious topic. Of course, there are many other topics. A Christian may simply say, "I don't believe it's right." Nothing wrong with that statement. Nothing hateful about it. The non-Christian replies with "You're ignorant and closed-minded." One comment ended, " Put that in your holy roller bible thumping pipe and smoke it." I've seen even worst comments with explicit language that I will not repeat. Just because a Christian's opinion does not agree with what you believe does not make that person ignorant or closed-minded. It also doesn't make them homophobic. If we, as people, don't stand up for something, what will we stand up for? It's okay for gay to have parades declaring their "pride" but not okay for Christians to simply say "that's wrong."?
The extremes definitely don't define the majority of people but this is what we see daily. Let's put it this way, no matter what you agree or disagree with, there's a healthy way to express that. I'll include myself at this point. Obviously, I'm a Christian. I don't agree with homosexuality. I do have a gay friend and several gay family members. I love my friend and my family; however, I choose not to be involved with certain activities or events. I work with several gay people. I don't treat them any differently. I don't look at them any differently. I don't think they deserve to get beat up or discriminated against. They know where I stand and we RESPECT EACH OTHER. There's no bullying or name-calling. I sincerely love them like God wants me to love them. I pray for them and not the "I pray they aren't gay" prayers. I pray not only for salvation but also protection. I don't shove Bible verses at them. I try my best to show God's love as His child. Every now and then I might even invite them to church or a church event. I don't push it. I just let them know they can come if they would like to. Once I stated by stand, that's all there was. No debating, no arguing. I leave it open-ended. If they want to know, they can and will ask. The reverse goes the same, they don't expect me to accept something just because they want me to. In the long run, I would hope they get saved or, if not, they remember is the woman who exhibited what God intended in the Bible. Reality is, many, if not more, non-Christians know the Bible better than Christians. Even if they don't believe what it says, they know what it says and how a Christian should act.
I hope you find something out of this. It's not in the best format or with the best written ability, but it's my own words in my own way. Just remember, love one another. Respect one another. And in the social world, respond with kindness.
Good thoughts. My pastor preached a helpful sermon on this: http://www.nhcconline.com/sermonfood-fight-3/