After leaving the Boys & Girls Clubs, I was a little lost. I was unsure of what I needed to do. Then, I decided to just take it like it was. I enjoyed my time with Valerie. [She's growing up so fast.] I looked for work and went on several interviews. I interviewed for this job and loved it. It was the only one I was sure of. At that moment, I told the Lord, "If it be your will, I really want this job. If not, then I will stay home with Valerie." It wasn't that I was going to give up if I didn't have this job. I felt that if it wasn't what he wanted for me after I had such a strong desire for it, then I needed to relax and enjoy life at home. I left it up to Him.
So...of course, I got the job. The Lord knew I needed it. He knows what my intentions are. In the long run, I do hope to work part-time in the future so I can spend more time with Valerie and any other children we may have. I'll have time to go to school functions and after school curricular activities. That's when I want to be able to devote my time to my children. Also, I can eliminited as much debt as possible so when I do go part-time, we aren't in financial strain.
The Lord worked it out for me and for my family. I couldn't ask for more. Through this little part of my journey, I learned to lean on him and trust him more. I learned about patience and listening. I've learned a lot and still have a long way to go. I look forward to what's next.