All of a sudden, my life, my family's life has taken a turn in a different direction. For the past couple of months, I've prayed for guidance for my own life. It didn't take long for the Lord to tell me it was time to make a job change. It's a scary thought to just quit my job with nothing else in line but that's what he wanted me to do. Bottom line: I didn't listen and in the end, he took it away from me. I've been so independent and He wants to me to be more dependent on Him.
What have I learned from all of this? It's okay for me to grieve the lost of my job and my ability to financially support my family. It's part of the process to get where I need to go. I'm reminded of a devotion that someone sent to me. It talked about how people don't just grieve the loss of loved ones. People should and need to grieve the loss of a job, an ability, connection, and whatever else we lose or have to let go throughout our lives.
I know that once I get past this, there is something better at the end of this street along my journey's path. It will take some time, some tears, and some pick me ups. The smile and laughs of my daughter definitely make the days easier. I know that the Lord will take care of us. He always has and always will. We've done without less and never suffered. We'll make it through this bump in the road. With His strength and His guidance, I'll find my way to a different job along my career path. A dear friend told me, "God never makes mistakes." I believe it and am so grateful for it.
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