I had to grab Tammy Parnell's new solo CD. If you don't know who she is, check out her group's website soulharvestonline.net.
My first post of my journey kinda rambled a little bit. I want to clarify something. Nothing you go through is too big for God. However, it may be too big for you to handle all by yourself. That's why he brings certain people into our lives to help us through whatever trials we go through. I'm so grateful for all the people he's brought into my life just these past couple of months. They have truly helped me on my journey to being normal, again. Those people were intentionally put into my life by my Lord. He listened when I told him I couldn't do this alone. Grace and mercy means so much more to me today than it ever has.
Our main speaker was Debbie Sobeskie, from Hannah's Hope Ministries. Hannah was a faithful young woman who died of cancer. She didn't let her hope die. All she wanted was to be able to help just one person. To read more about Hannah's story and learn more about Hannah's Hope Ministries, check out www.hannashopeministries.org.
This morning, I ask for your prayers for Nate (my husband) and his family. His papa is in the hospital. He is living his last days. He's had cancer for a long time. His nana is not taking it well. In addition to dealing with a sick husband, she isn't well herself. She has alzheimer's. This is a very hard time for the family. We do have hope, though. We know that he will be in Heaven when he passes. He was in and out last night because of the medication but all he wanted to do was make jokes. He and Hannah have that in common. They never let their spirits and their joy for life die. We could all learn something from people like them.
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